Bobby Washington, an innovative producer, a powerful songwriter and singer, a charismatic stage performer, an undiscovered pioneer and entrepreneur to...
Bobby Washington, an innovative producer, a powerful songwriter and singer, a charismatic stage performer, an undiscovered pioneer and entrepreneur to aspiring independent artists. Bobby Washington has personally sold over 20,000 copies of his CD albums literally from the trunk of his car. Bobby Washington has performed and opened concerts for Angie and Debbie Winans, and Grammy Award Winners New Kids on the Block, Tony Terry and R-Kelly. He toured and performed in California with Pretty Tony's road tour group "Free Style". In addition, Bobby Washington performed at the HOT 105 Festival in 1998. Bobby Washington has many years of experience in music production and digital recording, mixing and mastering. The talented Bobby Washington found his niche when he was a recording artist with Up Front Records, an independent label in Miami, Florida. He educated himself to know the music industry. Bobby believed that "If you want something done, do it yourself!" He stepped out on faith to make his dream a reality by producing, writing and singing his own music. Bobby Washington has produced and featured over 40 artists in his recordings. Bobby has produced and written over 130 songs. He believes that by inspiring people, they will simply love him and respect his music. Bobby Washington confidently believes that he is a great asset to any label that will launch his music career to the next level.