Reggie Miles
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Reggie Miles' Musical Saw Workshop @ 2006 NW Folklife Festival The Seattle Children's Theater 3 (Seattle Center grounds) Seattle, WA 98109 USA · Sunday May 28 2006, 1:00 AM
Reggie Miles
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Reggie Miles' Musical Saw Workshop @ 2006 NW Folklife Festival

<br><br><b>Sponsored by the Sawplayers' Association of Washington State (S.A.W.S)</b><br><br>

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<br><br><b>Reggie Miles' How to Make Music With a Handsaw Workshop 2006</b><br><br>

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My fourth annual workshop about how to make beautiful music with your hand tool will be held at the <b>2006 Northwest Folklife Festival on Saturday May 27th at 5PM @ The Seattle Children's Theater 3 (Seattle Center grounds)</b> and best of all it's F-R-E-E. You'll learn everything you need to know about how to manipulate the razor sharp spring steel teeth of the unruly blade betwixt your knees in a mere 90 minutes. With a little practice you'll soon be able to impress your friends, amaze your family and befuddle neighborhood wild life with your very own explorations into the eerie tones and subtle timbre of the musical saw by proudly producing a prodigious palate of pleasing panache. What more could you ask for? Did I mention that it's free? Saw ya there!<br><br>
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